Web Party Time's group e-mailing tool provides you with a way to send announcements or updates to a group of email addresses at once. Each recipient will receive a unique email from your email account with no other recipients listed (instead of being on a CC or BCC line). This was created to be used for our virtual event websites so hosts can easily contact their entire guest list. It was not built for large-scale commercial use and may not suit the needs of your organization as such.

Follow the steps below to create your email list and write your first announcement.

Creating the Guest List (do this first!)

  1. You will see two spreadsheet tabs at the bottom. Make sure you are on the tab titled "Group List" and begin typing in your guests' email addresses in any order. You are only required to fill in the column labeled "Email." You can fill in the "Name" column just for your own reference of if you want to use each recipient's name in the email text.
  2. Simply replace the sample email addresses and names with your guest list.
    • Type or paste each email address as a separate row.
    • Make sure there are no blank rows between guests.
    • We recommend adding your own email address to this list. That way, you can check if the e-mail tool is working.
    • You can add new guests at any time! They will automatically receive an e-mail with the next announcement.

Sending Announcements

Now that all your guests have been added to the email list, you can use this tool to send an email to the group.

To send an e-mail to the group, click Web Party Time Group Email Tool in the Add Ons menu and select "Send a new Email." If this is the first email you are sending, you will be required to authorize the tool.

This will bring up a side-bar where you can compose your message. Follow the instructions on screen.

IMPORTANT Use the group emailing feature appropriately and only add people to the email list who you have permisson to contact. Any misuse of this feature can be considered spamming by Google (Gmail). Web Party Time is not responsible for ensuring appropriate use of the tool.

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© Web Party Time by Tricia Hobbs 2023